Serdar OKUYUCU

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Dr. Serdar OKUYUCU  received his bachelor's degree from Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2015. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Yaşar University in 2018 and Akdeniz University in 2024, respectively. In 2023, he worked as a visiting researcher at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) for one year within the scope of Tübitak 2214-A program support.

His areas of expertise and interest include ultrafast solid-state lasers, spectroscopic characterization of laser gain media, and antenna and microwave techniques. 

Research Areas

ultrafast solid-state lasers, spectroscopic characterization of laser gain media, and antenna and microwave techniques