Umit Demirbaş received his BS degrees in physics & electrical engineering (2004, Koc University), his MS degree in materials science (2006, Koc University), and his PhD degree in electrical engineering (2010, MIT). He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering at Antalya Bilim University and a senior laser scientist at the CFEL’s Ultrafast Optics and X-rays Division on DESY. Dr. Demirbas is an author and coauthor of more than 40 journal papers, and has an h-index of 18. He established the Laser Technology Laboratory at Antalya Bilim University by attracting funding from 7 national and international projects. His research interests include solid-state and fiber laser/amplifier development, biomedical imaging with optical modalities, ultrafast photonics, nonlinear optics and laser frequency metrology. He was a European Union Marie Curie CIG Fellow (2012), an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow (2010), and an IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellow (2009).