Emre DEMİR

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University of Missouri


Newcastle University


Boğaziçi University

 Emre Demir, Ph.D. is an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Antalya Bilim University. He earned his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering - Transportation from the University of Missouri - Columbia, following an M.Sc. in Transport Engineering and Operations from Newcastle University and a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from BoğaziçiUniversity. Dr. Demir’s research focuses on transportation engineering, traffic systems, sustainability in transportation, transportation analysis, fuzzy systems in transportation, transportation optimization, modeling, transportation geography, and multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM). His work integrates geospatial analysis, network optimization, and intelligent transportation systems, with applications in sustainable urban mobility and infrastructure planning. He publish in both international and national peer-reviewed journals and actively participates in scientific conferences.Beyond research, Dr. Demir has held and holds various administrative roles in both Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, and Vocational School. He teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses, specializing in transportation systems, traffic flow theory, and intelligent transportation. Dr. Demir is also a reviewer for scientific journals and conferences.


Research Areas

Transportation optimization,

Transportation analysis and modeling,

Global Positioning Systems,

Geographic Information Systems,

Transportation Infrastructure,

Data Mining