Welcome To Our Faculty

Dear Future Health Team Professionals,

Antalya Bilim University Faculty of Health Sciences was established with the decision published in the Official Gazette dated 11.11.2019 and it started education in 2020 with the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and Nursing departments. Our faculty continues its education by getting stronger with the Nutrition and Dietetics and Midwifery departments that started to admit students in 2021.

Today, scientific developments have led to the prolongation of life expectancy. As a result of these promising developments and the changing expectations of individuals regarding health services, the need for health professionals has increased. In the coming years, the importance of all professions providing health services will increase and the diversification of professions will continue.

The main purpose of our Faculty of Health Sciences, whose foundation was based on these facts, is to train competent health professionals in the field, equipped with the brand of Antalya Bilim University, trained with modern approaches and methods based on science and technology. As the Faculty of Health Sciences, in addition to providing professional competence with a quality education, we aim to prepare our students for the changing world and to teach them to be individuals who follow scientific developments at national and international level, have critical thinking and scientific understanding, and who show respect to human rights and ethical values.

In line with these goals and objectives, as the faculty, with all our academic and administrative staff, we are working with all our strength to provide our graduates the distinction of being preferred, high-level professionals in terms of knowledge, skills and competence, without compromising on quality. We are excited to walk with you as your leader, guide and consultant on the path of university education, which is one of the very special periods of your life. At the beginning of this journey, I say "welcome aboard" and I wish you all a university term whose taste will remain in your memory.

With my most sincere regards.


Prof. Dr. Ayla Gürsoy

Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences