Welcome To Our Faculty

Dean’s Message

The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences prioritizes academic research as a fundamental principle. The faculty actively participates in the process of social change and fulfills its duties in this field. In this sense, the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences carries out its activities as an organization of teaching and learning.

With this as the background of our activities, the strategic roadmap has been formed as follows:

To increase inter-communal cultural dialogue and all forms of information exchange.

* To establish new collaborations by making connections with universities, institutions and organizations in other countries to train qualified individuals and to ensure the * flow of information at a global level.

* In addition to the efficient use of expansive learning sources, to develop technology-based education programs.

* To prepare students for their future employment by bringing them together with academics who contribute to academia at a universal level.

* To support clubs that engage in social and cultural activities in our faculty and to ensure that student representatives actively participate in the administration.

* To follow a path that does not rely on rote learning, that is avoid of plagiarism, and which is based on the guidance of reasoning and science.

* To ensure new discourses be opened for discussion, as well as working towards the discovery of unknown and new research areas by questioning the accuracy of assertions that are claimed to be true.

* To be a teaching center that is a researcher, developer and participant in management and which encourages the development of new perspectives.

* To be a teaching center that explores, develops and participates in management, thus incentivizing new perspectives.

In line with these values, we will continue to contribute to academic knowledge - a common product of humanity - by ensuring the perpetual flow of information for our country today, as has been the case in the past.

Professor Harun GÜMRÜKÇÜ

Success of our Graduate Busenaz Tokgöz

Success of our Graduate Busenaz Tokgöz


"New Horizons in Education: Workshop on Innovative Teaching Techniques in Political Science and International Relations" was Held.

"New Horizons in Education: Workshop on ...


Orientation Training was Held for the First Year Students

Orientation Training was Held for the Fi...


The Graduation Ceremony of Our 2024 Graduates was Held

The Graduation Ceremony of Our 2024 Grad...


Success of our Graduate Jadyra Akhmukhanova

Success of our Graduate Jadyra Akhmukhan...
