Psychology is a scientific discipline that investigates the mental processes and behaviors. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline with subfields such as clinical, social, developmental, cognitive, industrial and organizational, sports, health, and traffic. Although each subfield holds a unique perspective, their primary purpose is to examine cognition and behaviors. The field of psychology has two focuses: research and application. While the research orientation focuses on carrying our scientific research to expand knowledge, the application orientation uses this knowledge to address real-life problems.

The faculty members at the Department of Psychology at ABU have experience in both research and application and have completed their education in prestigious universities. The medium of education is English at our program, and our students are always encouraged to follow international scientific publications and discussions in the field.

The aim of the Department of Psychology at ABU is to equip students with academic qualifications, research skills, and professional competencies, and train them to compete internationally. Our students graduate with the title of “Psychologist,” and are able to work at hospitals, universities, psychological consultation centers, mental health hospitals, special needs education centers, kindergartens, nursery-homes, primary and secondary education institutions, human resources units, nongovernmental organizations, mass communication institutions, polling companies, and various ministries. Graduates that continue their postgraduate education also have opportunities to be employed in academic positions at universities.