Semail ÜLGEN

    Semail ÜLGEN

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Appointment according to the Article 31 of the Higher Education Act No: 2547 ***

Semail ÜLGEN


Purdue University


Master 1 : Purdue University Master 2 :Middle East Technical University


Bilkent University

Assoc. Prof.  Semail Ülgen is the chair of Industrial Engineering Department at Antalya Bilim University where she has been on the faculty since 2012. She received  Ph.D. degree in Mathematics at Purdue University in 2005, and B.S. degree at Bilkent University in 1995. In years 2004-2006 she was at University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS as an assistant professor. Then she worked at Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI, as an assistant professor for one year in 2006 and later she worked as an assistant professor at Northwestern University for three years starting in 2007. She held visiting assistant professor position at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN as an assistant professor for one year in 2011-1012. Dr. Ülgen was a recipient of the Young Scientist Award for Turkish American Scientists and Scholars Association (USA) in 2006. Her research interests are Finsler Geometry; Noncommutative Geometry, Applications to Mathematical Physics. She is also building research interest in stochastic processes and its applications. She was a researcher in TUBITAK 1001 (the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)  research project (#113F311, Title: Einstein metrics in Finsler Geometry) for two years in 2014. She served as the adviser for the Survey Development and Implementation ATSO Pilot Project for Determining the Industrial 4.0 Status of Companies in Antalya in 2017. She was the academic adviser of the TUBITAK Efficiency Challenge Electric Vehicle Competition for mainly engineering undergraduate students during the years 2016, 2017, and 2020 organized by TUBITAK.  Her team built two electric cars (got 25th in the competitions) and attended the competitions.

Research Areas

Online Mathematics Education,

Stochastic Modeling; Simulation; Finsler Geometry,

Noncommutative Geometry: K-Theory of Operator Algebras