• Research Areas


    Lesiure and hospitality

    Service excellency

    Image studies

  • Mail Address

  • Bachelor's

    Boğaziçi University

  • Master's

    Akdeniz University

  • Doctorate

    Akdeniz University (continue)

  • See CV


Demet CEYLAN has earned her BA degree in Business Administration from Boğaziçi University in 1992, Banking and Insurance degree from Anadolu University in 2009, MS degree in International Tourism Management from Akdeniz University in 2018 and accomplished Tourism Management PhD Program in 2023 at Akdeniz University Tourism Management program. Her 25+ years of sector experience including but not limited to acting as Financial Controller, CFO and Member of Board at Multinational companies in Tourism. She has been lecturing on a regular basis at Antalya Bilim University since 2016. Her masters thesis has been granted as “outstanding masters thesis award” at 10th World Conference For Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Lesiure and has academic publications in various national and international academic journals and book chapters. Her area of interest are: Destination Image Studies, Human Resources for Hospitality Industry, Tourism Management and applied Tourism education. She has been leading “Management Shadowing Program” since 2016 and providing a mutual opportunity to sector and students to meet at managerial level.