Fast Access
Faculty of Dentistry
Law School
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture
Faculty of Tourism
Faculty of Health Sciences
Institute of Postgraduate Education
School of Foreign Languages
Vocational School
Vocational School of Health Services
Civil Aviation Vocational School
Turkish and Foreign Languages Application and Research Center
Academic Staff
Dean of Law School
Hukuk Fakültesi Dekan Yrd.
Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Law
Department of General Public Law
Department of Administrative Law
Mali Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalı
Adalet Meslek Yüksekokulu Müdürü
Department of Civil Procedure and Bankruptcy Law
Department of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law
Hukuk Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
Department of Commercial Law
Milletlerarası Kamu Hukuku Ana Bilim Dalı
Department of Civil Law
Department of Private International Law
Department of Labor and Social Security Law
Department of Constitutional Law