M. Fatih AK

    M. Fatih AK

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M. Fatih AK

Muhammet Fatih Ak received his Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering occupational health and safety program from Yıldız Technical University (YTU) in 2017. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and director of the Vocational School at Antalya Bilim University (ABU). He won first place winner award in his bachelor, master and Ph. D programs. He is awarded by TÜBİTAK graduate scholarship. He worked for several years as a research assistant in FMV Işık University and Özyeğin University. He has a “A class” certificate in occupational health and safety. His research interests include occupational safety and health, optimization, multi-criteria decision making methods, fuzzy systems, neural networks, ergonomics, forecasting, renewable energy resources and health systems. He is also pursuing new research projects on smart systems and IoT.

Research Areas

Occupational Safety and Health, Optimization,

Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods,

Fuzzy Systems,

Neural Networks,



Renewable Energy Resources,

Health Systems