Pubkications in 2020
SCI/SCI-expanded Indexed Journal Publications
Arslan, E., Badali, Y., Altındal, Ş. et al. Intersection behavior of the current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of the (Au/Ni)/HfAlO3/n-Si (MIS) structure depends on the lighting intensity. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 31, 13167–13172 (2020).
Engin Arslan, Yosef Badali, Majid Aalizadeh, Şemsettin Altındal, Ekmel Özbay, Current transport properties of (Au/Ni)/HfAlO3/n-Si metal–insulator–semiconductor junction, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 148, 2021,
Umit Demirbas, Jelto Thesinga, Huseyin Cankaya, Martin Kellert, Franz X. Kärtner, and Mikhail Pergament, "High-power passively mode-locked cryogenic Yb:YLF laser," Opt. Lett. 45, 2050-2053 (2020)
Umit Demirbas, Huseyin Cankaya, Mikhail Pergament, and Franz X. Kärtner, "Power and energy scaling of rod-type cryogenic Yb:YLF regenerative amplifiers," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 37, 1865-1877 (2020)
Umit Demirbas, Huseyin Cankaya, Yi Hua, Jelto Thesinga, Mikhail Pergament, and Franz X. Kärtner, "20-mJ, sub-ps pulses at up to 70 W average power from a cryogenic Yb:YLF regenerative amplifier," Opt. Express 28, 2466-2479 (2020)
Umit Demirbas and Franz X. Kärtner, "Alexandrite: an attractive thin-disk laser material alternative to Yb:YAG?," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 37, 459-472 (2020)
Umit Demirbas, Jelto Thesinga, Martin Kellert, Franz X. Kärtner, and Mikhail Pergament, "Comparison of different in situ optical temperature probing techniques for cryogenic Yb:YLF," Opt. Mater. Express 10, 3403-3413 (2020)
Gençağa, D.; Şengül Ayan, S.; Farnoudkia, H.; Okuyucu, S. Statistical Approaches for the Analysis of Dependency Among Neurons Under Noise. Entropy 2020, 22, 387.
H. C. Baelhadj, S. S. Adhikari, H. Davoodi, V. Badilita, M. İ. Beyaz, "A sub-cm3 energy harverster for in-vivo biosensors", Microelectronic Engineering, 226, 111288, 2020
J. M. Hamamreh, Abdulwahab Hajar, and Mohamedou Abewa, "Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing With Subcarrier Power Modulation for Doubling the Spectral Efficiency of 6G and Beyond Networks." in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2020.
M. Jaradat, J. M. Hamamreh and H. Arslan, "OFDM With Hybrid Number and Index Modulation," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 55042-55053, 2020.
H. M. Furqan, J. M. Hamamreh and H. Arslan, "New Physical Layer Key Generation Dimensions: Subcarrier Indices/Positions-Based Key Generation," in IEEE Communications Letters.
Demirel Topel S., Balcioglu S., Ates B., Asilturk M., Topel Ö., Ericson M.B., Cellulose acetate encapsulated upconversion nanoparticles - A novel theranostic platform. Materials Today Commun., Accepted, In Press, DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101829
Simulation, Magnification of Alinn / Gan Transistor Structures with High Threshold Voltage Values and Experimental Investigation of Device Properties.
(Engin ARSLAN)
Development of ALD-based Coating Technologies for High Power, GaN Based HEMTs and MMICs for Jammer Applications (GaN ALD)
(Engin ARSLAN, Yusuf ÖZTÜRK)
Development of Transistor Devices That Can Operate in the High Power / Frequency Region by Using InN Channel Heterojoints.
Development and Characterization of Low Ion Doped, Diode-Pumped, Efficient and High Power Cr: Licaf Laser Systems
Development and modelling of 680 nm tapered diode and 1.6 µm high-brightness diode pumped Tm:YAG and Tm:LuAG Lasers
(Ümit Demirbaş)
Investigation of the Role of Brain-Oriented Noise Signals in Interactions Between Neurons Using Information Theory
(Deniz Gençağa)
Preparation of Upconverting Nanoparticles for Uricase Immobilization, Characterization and Controlled Manipulation of Enzyme Activity Using Near Infrared NIR
(UIuslararası) Development of Near Infrared Light (NIR) Excited Functional Carrier Systems by Using Upconverting Nanoparticles to Trigger the Activity of Biotechnological Enzyme Drugs.
TÜBİTAK, “Novel Advanced Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Schemes For Enhancing Communication Security And Reliability Of Future Low-Complexity, Massive Machine Type Communications”, 2020-2022 (PI)
(Jehad Hamamreh)
TÜBİTAK, “Non-Coherent Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with Subcarrier Power Modulation For Low Complexity And High Throughput IoT Applications“, 2019-2020 (PI)
Patents Applied/Issued
(Applied) Nanoparçacik Formunda Bi̇r Di̇elektri̇k Tabaka İçeren Bi̇r Yarii̇letken Aygit Yapisi Ve Bunu Elde Etme Yöntemi̇.
(Engin ARSLAN)
(Applied) Çoklu Kuatum Kuyu İçeren Bi̇r Yüksek Elektron Mobi̇li̇teli̇ Transi̇stor Aygiti Ve Bunun Üreti̇m Yöntemi̇
(Engin ARSLAN)
(Applied) Deri̇n Ultravi̇yole Bölgesi̇nde Yüksek Işima Şi̇ddeti̇ne Sahi̇p Bi̇r Işik Yayan Di̇yot Yarii̇letken Yapisi Ve Aygiti
(Engin ARSLAN)
(Applied) Isi Transferi̇ Yüksek Bi̇r Yüksek Elektron Mobi̇li̇teli̇ Transi̇stör Aygiti Ve Bunu Elde Etme Yöntemi̇
(Engin ARSLAN)
(Applied) Secure And Adaptive Orthogonal Division Waveforms Multiplexing System Using Channel - Based Transformation (US Patent Office)
(Applied) Novel Physical Layer Key Generation Dimensions: Subcarrier Number And Indices-based Key Generation (Türk Patent)
(Issued) Kablosuz Ağlarda Mutlak Güvenlik Ve Kimlik Doğrulaması Sağlaması İçin Otomatik Tekrar Talep Sistemi (Türk Patent)
(Issued) Kanal Temelli̇ Dönüşüm Kullanan Güvenli̇ Ve Uyum Sağlayan Di̇kgen Bölmeli̇ Dalga Şeki̇lleri̇ Çoğullama Si̇stemi̇ (Türk Patent)
(Issued) Data Transmission Method Using Location Adjusted, Sub Carrier Number Modulation, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (WIPO)
(Issued) Automatic Repeat/request System For Providing Absolute Safety And Authentication In Wireless Networks. (WIPO)
(Issued) A Secure And Adaptive Orthogonal Division Waveforms Multiplexing System Using Channel-based Transformation (WIPO)
Books/Book Chapter
J. M. Hamamreh, "An Effective Design for Polar Codes over Multipath Fading Channels", Chapter 1 in the book titled “Smart Cities Performability, Cognition, and Security”, Springer, Switzerland AG, 2020.
(Jehad Hamamreh)
A. Jaradat, J. M. Hamamreh, H. Arslan, “Generalized and Flexible Modulation Options,” in Flexible and Cognitive Radio Access Technologies for 5G and Beyond, Publisher: IET, Oct. 2020.
H. M. Furqan, J. M. Hamamreh, H. Arslan, “Physical Layer Security Designs for 5G and Beyond,” in Flexible and Cognitive Radio Access Technologies for 5G and Beyond, Publisher: IET, Oct. 2020.