Antalya Bilim University Department of Civil Engineering on a Site Visit

Antalya Bilim University Department of Civil Engineering on a Site Visit


Our university's Department of Civil Engineering organized a technical visit to Oymapınar Dam and Köprüçay Regulator within the scope of the Hydraulics course on May 7, 2024, with the contributions of the DSİ 13th Regional Directorate. During the visit, technical details regarding dam and weir design and construction were shared by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Danandeh Mehr from ABÜ Department of Civil Engineering and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rıfat Tür from Akdeniz University Department of Civil Engineering. Our students had the opportunity to consolidate their theoretical knowledge on applications. We would like to thank the ABÜ family who contributed to the organization and the DSİ 13th Regional Directorate that provided us with this opportunity.