INS 501 Specific Topics in Traffic Engineering: It is aimed to provide the calculation and project design principles of topics, such as Traffic, Traffic Infrastructure and Superstructure, Organization and Design of Traffic Elements (Intersections, Car parks, Lighted and Non-Lighted Traffic Signs etc.).

INS 503 Computer Applications in Civil Engineering: The principles of the finite element method, Basic concepts, Modeling and Analysis Techniques, Materials and Load Admittance, 2D and 3D building analysis, Section effects, Stress Anaysis, Eigenvalue Analysis, Response Spectrum Analysis, Time-Dependent Solutions

INS 505 Advanced Methods in Asphalt Technology: Asphalt Technology

INS 507 Specific Topics in Geotechnical Engineering: Introduction, conveying the content, explanation of methods and basic information. The concept of base pressure, rigid and flexible foundations. Settlement on rigid and flexible foundations, limiting values and its relation to the allowable bearing value. Pile foundations, type selection, bearing power, settlement, heading calculation. Pile loading tests, experiment technics and methods, assessment. Narrow and deep piles. Timber of the sides of foundation fits. Stone column applications, drains. Deep compaction – high pressure injection applications. Tunnel construction application samples. Examination of landslides and precautions. Use of light filler materials in geotechnics. General assessment.

INS 511 Advanced Materials Science: Materials, Behaviors and features of materials, Material structure, Material Types.

INS 512 Durability of Reinforced Concrete Buildings: Reinforced Concrete, Damages in Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Reinforced Concrete Buildings, The Definition and Significance of Durability.

INS 513 Advanced Research Methods in Building Materials: Reinforced Concrete, Building Materials, Micro Structures, Features and Behaviors of Composite Materials.

INS 521 Advanced Fluid Mechanics: Whirling fluids. Navier-Stokes theorems and use of their solutions in laminar flows. Boundary layer equations and solution technics. Nature of turbulence. Reynolds equations. Introduction to turbulence modelling.

INS 522 Infrastructure Planning: The significance of infrastructure investments for the economic development of the regions. Review of the basic features of network-based critical infrastructure elements. Firstly, basic economic and fiscal topics, terms, and the significance of the supply and demand equilibrium for market economies are introduced, which is followed by the introduction of investment costs, operating costs and optimization models. In addition to various notions of efficiency and feasibility, topics such as efficiency in terms of investment, operation and long-term efficiency will be addressed. Financing technics that have emerged so far, engineering approach and construction management types will be studied. Optimal solutions will be sought using project assessments and benefit-cost analyses.

INS 523 Management of Water Resources: Planning, project design and management of water resource systems. Application of deterministic and scholastic approaches in optimization techniques. Appropriation of water, expansion of capacity, and design and operation of storage systems. Management of surface water and underground water.

INS 524 Advanced Contaminated Land: Surface flows and erosion processes, transportation of contamination via surface flows, transportation of salt, chemical transportation in drying saturated and unsaturated zones, hydro-chemical models.

INS 525 Advanced Surface Flow Hydrology: Application of the statistical method for the analysis and modeling of hydraulic series. Statistical simulation and estimation of hydraulic series using time series analysis.

INS 526 Advanced Water and Waste Water Treatment: Use of waste water in the planning of water resources, reuse of waste water in the agriculture and irrigation industries, feeding, recreation and use of underground water in the environment, reuse of portable water, selection of removal technologies, assessment of health risks and reduction of health risks.

INS 527 Assessment of Environmental Effects: This course addresses concepts, methods, problems, and various forms used in the process of environmental effect assessment.

INS 528 Sustainability Management of Infrastructure Systems: Green infrastructure planning offers crucial ecosystem services for human populations in addition to providing ecologic functions requiring a systematic approach for improvement. This course will introduce to students the concepts, theories and applications of sustainable infrastructure design on multiple levels (local and regional scales).

INS 529 Programs in Civil Engineering: Using current package programs together with CBS-based software in the design of infrastructure system. Analyzing and examination of results. Learning basic CBS knowledge, design of CBS-based potable water pipeline and design of storm drainage line.

INS 531 Advanced Foundation Engineering: Soil survey, use of land and laboratory experiments for design, Bearing power of shallow foundations, Sizing principles for foundations settling on sand and clay, Settlement criteria, Foundation pit, Soil Improvement

INS 532 Seismology: Seismic Hazards and Large Earthquakes in History. Seismology and Earthquakes. Strong Ground Motions. Seismic Hazard Analysis. Distribution of Earthquake Waves. Dynamic Ground Properties. Analysis of Ground Reaction Under the Influence of Earthquakes. Soil Improvements Against Earthquake Hazards.

INS 533 Site and Soil Improvement: Preloading, deep compaction, flotation, Dynamic compaction, Soil nailing, Reinforced earth, stone and sand piles, geosynthetics, Thermal methods, freezing and electro osmosis, Anchors, Surface compaction, Vibrating deep compaction methods, Reinforced earth, Jet Grout and injection.

INS 540 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics: Ethics, Publication Ethics, Scientific Research Methods.

INS 541 Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials: Introduction to Composite Materials, Unidirectional Composites, Stress and Strain Alternation. Micromechanics of Lamina. Macromechanics of Laminate. Strength of Composite Materials.

INS 542 Advanced Building Dynamics: Basic Principles of Building Dynamics. Review of Data Input-Output Relations in the Domain of Time and Frequency. Time and Frequency Domains. Numerical Differentiation Techniques. State Space Models. Analytical Dynamics. Resolution of Displacement Equations. Fading Systems. Regular and Irregular Fading. The State of Recursive Eigenvalues.

INS 543 Advanced Materials Mechanics:

INS 544 Design of Pre-stressed Concrete Bridges: Introduction, methods used in the design and construction of special structures, Particular considerations and loads in special structures, modeling techniques, pre-stressed concrete, design rules of pre-stressed concrete bridges.

INS 545 Matrix Methods in Building Dynamics: Rigidity and loading matrices of beam elements, matrix displacement method, the implementation of the method to two and three dimensional frame systems, rigidity and loading matrices in continuum parts, non-linear systems in terms of material and geometrical transformation, implementation of the method to the dynamic analysis of building systems.

INS 546 Behavior and Analysis of Concrete Systems: Earthquake demand in concrete structures, the impact of non-linear element behavior on the system behavior, damping in concrete structures, the impact of structural parameters on the system behavior, seismicity in existing buildings.

INS 547 Structural Optimization: General Definitions: Objective Function, Restrictions, Optimal Region, Optimal Solution, Features of the Convex Function, Lagrange Multipliers, Kuhn-Tucker Conditions, the Dual of the Main Problem, Methods Used in Structure Optimization: Linear Programing Methods (Simplex method, Integer Programming method), Non-linear Programming Methods (Cutting Plane Method, Sequential Linear Programming Method), Optimality Criteria Method, Artificial Intelligence Techniques (Genetic Algorithm Method) Optimization in Structural Design: A General Review of Current Design Methods. Classification and Definitions in Structural Optimization. Earlier Studies in Structure Optimization: Simultaneous Collapse Mode, Full Stress Design, Implementation of Optimization Techniques on Structure Design. Optimization via Matrix Displacement Method (Formulation of Structure Optimization in Cage and Frame Systems). Structure Optimization via Genetic Algorithm Method, Optimization of in Buildings Under Seismic Load. 

INS 551 Design of Earthquake Resistant Steel Structures: Introduction of selected concepts in Earthquake Engineering, Structural Ductility, Seismic response correction coefficients, basic design methods for element design and global design in Moment Resisting and Central Crossed and Eccentrically Braced Frames; Earthquake Resisting and Capacity Based Design Methods of Moment Resisting, Central Crossed and Eccentrically Braced Frames; Moment Resisting, Composite Floor, and Simple Supported Beam Design; Assessment of seismic performance of Central Crossed and Eccentrically Braced Frames according to FEMA methods.

INS 561 Advanced Road materials: Road Materials, Bitumen Materials.

INS 562 Advanced Road Design: Road Materials, Road Design

INS 563 Advanced Pavement Design: Road Materials, Road Design, Pavement Design.

INS 564 Management and Operation of Public Transportation: Public Transportation and trends, the role of public transportation, social exclusion problem among public transportation users in terms of transportation and accessibility, the performance of economic and comparative transportation modes. Regulations and institutional frame, definition and grounds, alternative market options and examples in practice.

INS 565 Urban Transportation Management in Developing Countries: The concept of transportation, Types of Transportation, Transportation-Land Use Relations, Grading of transportation types, Road Design, Intersection design, Organization of Car Parks, Traffic signs. Review of urban transportation system from the point of view of city planning and within the frame of city structure interaction.

INS 566 Transportation Geography: Definition of transportation and general concepts; development of transportation and transportation networks; measurement and mapping of transportation activities; geographical formations in transportation; climate and human relations; selection of transportation routes; development and alteration of roads; sea transportation; transportation of passengers and cargo via sea transportation; main sea routes; railway lines; traffic and road distribution of railways; highway routes and distribution; airways and transportation; distribution of airways.

INS 567 Stream Engineering

Stream Morphology (Morphometry and Classification, channel patterns). sediment movements in streams, Stream Engineering Projects: Stream Hydrology, Flood Frequency Analysis

INS 569 Natural Disasters and Buildings

1. Definition of natural disasters.

2. Earthquake and Tsunami.

3. Frost and corrosion.

4. Typhoons (Katrina, Tornado, ...).

5. Volcanic eruptions.

6. Floods.

7. Droughts.

8. Fires.

INS 571 Design of Earthquake Resistant Buildings

Definition of earthquake motion; seismicity of Turkey and some of the substantial earthquakes in the past; assessment of motion behaviors of existing buildings in earthquakes; earthquake analysis methods; regulations used in the design of earthquake resisting buildings; building irregularities; reinforced concrete; masonry; earthquake resistant design of steel and wooden buildings.

INS 574 Intelligent Transportation Systems

Course topics include introduction to intelligent transportation systems; traffic data; accident data; safety systems in emergencies; systems that are used to set a price for road users; and vehicle detection and classification. Students are introduced with various topics such as radio waves in transportation and their functions; vehicles without a motor and global positioning systems; assisted transportation systems; smartcards in transportation; and purposive intelligent infrastructure systems in transportation.

INS 576 High Buildings

INS 578 Advanced Steel Design

INS 580 Advanced Building Analysis

INS 595 Dissertation