EBE101 Midwifery Principles (5-4-0-2) (ECTS:6)
This lesson; Provision of health services in Turkey, midwifery as a profession, cultural and social roles of midwifery, functions, responsibilities, basic human needs, life process, homeostasis, stress, health, disease, holistic, humanistic approach, individual and hospital environment, admission of the patient to the hospital and discharge, infection control, movement requirements, hygiene needs of the healthy individual, vital signs, hot-cold applications, administration of drugs, parenteral drug applications - 1 local drug applications, pain and coping with pain.
EBE103 Midwifery Philosophy and Basic Concepts (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This course includes the history of midwifery and the philosophy of the midwifery profession in the world and in Turkey, the discussion of midwofifheirsytoinrythe world and in our country, the philosophy of midwifery and the midwifery
profession, the midwifery profession in the professionalization process, the roles of the health team and the midwife, the discussion of midwifery education in the world and in our country, the professional role of midwives. and its responsibilities, organization and its importance in midwifery, national professional organization - international midwifery organizations, basic concepts related to midwifery: human, woman, health, disease and birth concepts, society, environment and culture concepts, science, art, philosophy, midwifery concepts, family and parenting concepts, It includes topics such as role and adaptation, support systems, body image, anxiety, fear, crisis, stress-coping concepts, pain, empathy, loss, mourning and death concepts.
EBE105 Anatomy (3-2-0-1) (ECTS:4)
This lesson; General terminology includes topics such as movement system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system, reproductive system, nervous system, and sensory organs.
EBE107 Physiology (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This lesson; introduction to physiology, cell physiology, blood cells and their functions, muscular system physiology, circulatory system physiology, immune and respiratory system physiology, digestive system physiology, excretory system physiology, endocrine system physiology, central nervous system physiology, peripheral nervous system and reflex, sensory system physiology. Includes topics.
EBE109 Microbiology and Parasitology (3-2-0-1) ECTS:3)
This lesson; introduction to microbiology and its brief history, general characteristics of microorganisms, chemical structure, metabolism and genetics of microorganisms, nutrition and production of microorganisms, microbe-organism relationships, clinical materials used in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, diagnostic methods in infectious diseases, chemotherapeutic agents and resistance mechanisms against them, disinfection. and sterilization methods, introduction to immunology and general information, and covers topics related to bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic factors of medical importance.
EBE111 Occupational Health and Safety (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
This lesson; Basic concepts related to occupational health and safety, occupational health and safety law, risk management and assessment, occupational accidents, protection from occupational accidents and accident analysis, workplace midwifery duties and responsibilities, occupational medicine and workplace experts duties and responsibilities, It includes occupational diseases, occupational accidents, prevention and protection, emergency plans, fire fighting, first aid, registration and notification of work accidents and occupational diseases.
TURK101 Turkish Language- I (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
This lesson; punctuation marks and spelling rules, the birth of the language and the importance of the language, languages in the world: language families, world languages in terms of structure and origin, historical periods of the Turkish language: old Turkish and middle Turkish periods, historical periods of the Turkish language: new Turkish; Northern Kipchak Turkish, Eastern Turkish and Western Turkish periods, contemporary Turkish dialects, grammar and parts: sounds and classification of Turkish, sound changes, sound events, ways of adding words to Turkish and its history: words in terms of structure, roots and suffixes, derivational suffixes: from verbs It includes the subjects of verb, noun from verb, noun from noun, verb from noun, inflectional suffixes: case suffixes, words in terms of meaning, verbals, adjectives, pronouns.
HIST101 Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution-I (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
This lesson; concepts and Ottoman-Turkish modernization, the age of revolutions: the French revolution and the industrial revolution, the first steps towards the formation of the modern state 1789-1839, the Tanzimat period 1839-1876, the declaration of the First Constitutional Monarchy and the Second.
Abdulhamid period 1876-1908, Ottoman economy in the 19th century, Young Turks 1908 – 1914, Young Turks and World War I 1914 – 1918, national struggle period 1918-1923 – I, national struggle period
1918-1923 – II, Lausanne conference and It includes the evaluation of the Lausanne peace treaty and the first years of the republic, 1923-1930.
EBE.YD101 Foreign Language- I (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
This lesson; orientation, introducing oneself in English, recognizing professions, verb to be, recognizing numbers, asking English phone number and age, plural suffix in common nouns, plural pronouns in the subject case, there is/there are (var), English time (hour). , day, month, season), prepositions of time, present tense, general repetition, countries and nationalities, have got/has got form, English clothes names, prepositions of place, possessive adjectives and weather, conjunctions 'and, but, but' , 'this, that, these, those' patterns, definite article in nouns, present tense with plural subjects, present tense with singular subjects, adverbs of frequency, distinction between present tense and present tense.
Field Elective Courses
EBE113 Social Responsibility (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This lesson; Basic concepts related to society and community service practices and social responsibility projects, the importance of community service practices and social responsibility projects, determining the target audience problem, producing solution suggestions for the determined problems and today's community service practices, being able to show sensitivity to the problems of the society that require solutions, showing with social sensitivity. searching for solutions to the problems of the society, discussing project proposals on the elderly, environment, children and domestic violence, discussing project proposals on services for disabled individuals, community service practices and social responsibility projects of public institutions and non-governmental organizations, community service practices in our city, deciding on social responsibility projects and teaming up. creation, social responsibility projects, research panels, conferences, This includes organizing information seminars and taking part voluntarily in various projects within the framework of social responsibility.
EBE115 Maintenance Technology (2-0-0-2) (ECTS:3)
This lesson; the importance of technology, the place of technology in health care applications, the history of technology in health care applications, reflections of technological developments in patient care applications, technological developments in health care applications: information technology systems, telehealth, infusion systems, technological
developments in health care applications: wound care technology, in health care applications Technological developments: tools used in surgical techniques, quality of care and technology, reflections and contributions of technological developments to the midwifery profession, the place of technological developments in midwifery education, computer technology and midwifery documentation, the place of technological developments in midwifery research, ethical debates brought about by technological developments.
First Year - (II. Semester) Spring Semester
EBE102 Midwifery Fundamentals II (6-4-0-4) (ECTS:7)
This lesson; midwifery process, ensuring tissue integrity, wound care, pressure ulcer, parenteral drug applications 2, blood collection, peripheral venous catheter application, liquid electrolyte
Maintaining balance, transfusions and midwifery care, circulatory system and midwifery care practices, respiratory system and midwifery care practices, digestive system and midwifery care practices, excretory system and midwifery care practices, case discussion topics and practices.
EBE104 Midwifery Principles Practice (2-0-4-0) (ECTS:4)
The aim of this course is to transfer the student's theoretical knowledge into practice, to increase clinical skills, clinical decision-making, critical thinking and research skills, and to develop the ability to work independently by increasing their skills in cognitive, affective and behavioral areas. The course includes hospital applications of all subjects given within the scope of Midwifery Fundamentals-II course.
EBE106 Anatomy-II (3-2-0-1) (ECTS:3)
This lesson; It includes the subjects and applications of Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Digestive System, Urogenital System, Neuroendocrine System, Sense Organs.
EBE108 Physiology-II (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This lesson; cardiovascular system physiology, circulatory system physiology, respiratory system physiology, gastrointestinal system physiology, urinary system physiology, reproductive system Includes physiology topics.
EBE106 Interpersonal communication in midwifery (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
This lesson; explaining the concept of communication, explaining the communication process, verbal communication, speaking skills, listening skills, non-verbal communication/signs and meanings, stress and stress
management, group and group dynamics, change and influence in the group, communication in small groups, persuasion expressive speech, body language, empathic communication, expression of anger and resentment, correct understanding and It includes topics of explanation.
EBE112 Histology and Embryology (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
This lesson; Human Birth Defects, head and neck embryology, Histopathology (Cell damage Tissue Repair-Hemodynamic disorders), integumentary system histology, nervous system histology, specialized histology, cayorduirosveanssceuslar system histology, blood
histology, hematopoiesis, lymphoid system histology, respiratory system histology, digestion system histology,digestive system histology: digestive tract,digestive system histology:
glands connected to the digestive tract (salivary glands, pancreas), digestive system histology: digestive glands connected to the duct (liver, gallbladder), endocrine system histology, female genital system histology, male genital system histology, urinary system histology; Includes topics.
EBE.YD102 Foreign Language II (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
This lesson; orientation, possessive suffix (-s), ability pattern (can), 'de – da' structures (too, either), adjectives, parts of our body, diseases, our emotions, adverbs, being in the past tense (to
verb be), imperative form (must), verb to be in past tense and present tense distinction, general repetition, future tense (be going to), object pronouns, word work (office tools), distinction between object and subject pronouns, regular past tense with verbs, past tense with irregular verbs, past tense adverbs, time It includes topics such as repetition of phrases, question patterns (which, what), question patterns (where, how many, when), question patterns (whose, who), question patterns (why, how).
TURK102 Turkish Language II (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
This lesson; punctuation marks (period, comma, semicolon, colon, exclamation point...), punctuation marks (quote marks, brackets,...), spelling rules (writing of idioms, reduplications, loanwords and foreign proper names), composition writing It includes topics such as methods (creating supporting and main ideas, making plans), methods in composition writing (paragraph creation, methods of developing ideas in the paragraph), forms of expression (collection of homework), types of expression (oral expression).
HIST102 Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution II (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
This lesson; A brief look at 20th century world history, history of turkey 1923 - 1939: political parties in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, government-opposition relations, parties, republican people's party, progressive republican party, liberal party; democratization of political and social life, history of Turkey 1939-1945: second world war and Turkey, history of Turkey 1945-1950: transition to multi-party life and democracy in Turkey, democratic party period 1950-1960, Turkey in the 1960s: unstable coalitions, economic developments and social transformation – I, Turkey in the 1960s: unstable coalitions, economic developments and social transformation – II, Turkey in the 1970s: from the memorandum to the coup – I, Turkey in the 1970s: from the memorandum to the coup – II, after the September 12 coup It includes the subjects of Turkey, Turkey in the 90s, and Turkey in the 2000s.
Field Elective Courses-II
EBE114 Scientific Literacy (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This lesson; definition of scientific literacy, new approaches to accessing information, nature and importance of science, characteristics of information sources, library, tools for accessing information, scanning information with computers, using the web of science, finding, evaluating and communicating appropriate information, scientific literate practices, benefits of being scientifically literate, science ways to contribute to the world, the relationship between scientific literacy and academics Contains.
EBE106 Entrepreneurship (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This lesson; Introduction to entrepreneurship: basic concepts, creativity and innovation, innovation in nursing, product development, patenting, utility model, developing and presenting a product idea.
Compulsory Courses
EBE 201 Normal Pregnancy (5-10-10-0) (ECTS:10)
This lesson; fertility and women's health; reproductive system anatomy; reproductive system physiology; gametogenesis; occurrence of pregnancy; embryonal period-fetal period; fetal membranes and placenta; physiological, socio-psychological changes during pregnancy; diagnosing pregnancy;
It covers the role of the midwife in the perinatal period.
EBE 203 Internal and Surgical Diseases (3-3-0-0) (ECTS:3)
It includes diseases seen in pregnancy and midwifery care, pre- and post-operative care, pain management, surgical diseases seen in pregnancy and urogynecological surgery.
EBE 205 Pathology (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
To ensure that the patient has the ability to understand the causes of diseases, the mechanisms of disease formation, the ability to understand the dysfunctions caused by diseases in organs and tissues, the necessary information about the changes seen with the naked eye in tissues and organs as a result of diseases, and the necessary information about the morphological findings in the cells formed as a result of diseases.
EBE 207 Nutrition Principles (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
Introduction to Nutrition, Healthy nutrition, Definition, Structure and Properties of Carbohydrates, Definition, Structure and Properties of Proteins, Definition, Structure and Properties of Lipids, Definition, structure and properties of Vitamins (fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins), Water and Minerals, Food Groups, It includes Points to Consider When Purchasing and Storing, Nutrition in Pregnant and Postpartum Women, and Nutrition in Children.
EBE 209 Pharmacology (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This lesson; Definition of pharmacology and teaching basic pharmacology information. Teaching the use of drugs in medicine. The content of the course is as follows: Basic pharmacology (Sources from which drugs are obtained, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, toxicology). It covers the therapeutic effects and mechanisms of action, side effects and toxic effects of drugs used in medicine.
EBE 211 Biochemistry (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
Introduction to biochemistry, DNA, carbohydrate, protein, lipid, hemoglobin biochemistry, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, lipid synthesis and oxidation, metabolic disorders. biochemistry, body fluids, water metabolism, vitamins and hormones
EBE 213 Psychology (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This course is an introduction to the science of psychology, which deals with the human mind and behavior. The course includes basic theories, scientific methods, and basic concepts in psychology.
The course covers basic topics from various subfields of psychology such as behavior, sensation, perception,
learning, personality, stress.
EBE 215 Preconceptional Counseling (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This lesson; It includes the scope of preconception care, its benefits, consultancy service, service models and the responsibility of healthcare personnel.
Second year - (II. Semester) Spring Semester
Compulsory Courses
EBE 202 Risky Pregnancies (5-10-10-0) (ECTS:10)
This lesson; pregnancy-related terminology and health criteria; the importance and purpose of prenatal care; prenatal monitoring; The role of the midwife in prenatal services; risk factors during pregnancy; pre-existing risky conditions; Tests used to evaluate fetal health; first trimester bleeding; third trimester bleeding; pregnancy- induced hypertension; hyperemesis gravidarum; multiple pregnancy; threat of premature birth; due date; polyhydramnios - oligohydramnios; urinary infections caused by pregnancy; chorioamnionitis; premature rupture of membranes; Common complaints during pregnancy and precautions to be taken; promoting
maternal and fetal health during pregnancy; nutrition during pregnancy Includes topics.
EBE 204 Family Planning (2-4-4-0) (ECTS:4)
This lesson; Introduction to family planning; benefits of family planning; counseling- communication in family planning; evaluation of the applicant; intrauterine devices; hormonal
contraception methods; barrier methods; natural family planning methods; lactational amenorrhea method;
voluntary surgical sterilization; postpartum – post-abortion – emergency contraception; Includes infertility issues.
EBE 206 Women's Mental Health (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This lesson; It includes providing information to undergraduate students about the principles of psychology and enabling them to evaluate the psychological problems of pregnant women.
EBE 208 Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:2)
This lesson; Epidemiology; It includes teaching research techniques to determine the distribution and causes of diseases and health problems in both clinical and social sciences and appropriate methods for their diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
EBE 212 Clinical Practices in Midwifery I (1-5-8-0) (ECTS:5)
EBE 201 and EBE 202 courses are a prerequisite for this course.
Field Elective Courses-II
EBE 214 Emergency Care and First Aid (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This course includes first aid knowledge and skills based on saving and sustaining the life of the patient or injured person and protecting the injured person safely until he or she receives health care.
EBE 216 Birth Pain and Management (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
This course includes introduction to the course, course description, history of birth, female body for birth, physiology of labor pain and hormones, management of labor pain (pain theories) and evaluation of pain, pharmacological methods in controlling labor pain, approaches supporting birth, birth preparation classes, birth preparation methods. (Dick-Read, Lamaze, Bradly, focusing and breathing techniques), practices that limit the flow of birth, nutrition and exercise, touching and massage, hot and cold applications, hydrotherapy (water birth), homeopathy, subcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), It includes acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, birth with hypnosis, home/hospital (birth center) selection, positions used in birth, postpartum period and midwifery care.
EBE 218 Sexual and Reproductive Health (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
Women's health/sexual health problems in the world and in Turkey, their importance, indicators, place of women's health/reproductive health services within primary health care services Includes topics.
EBE 222 Transcultural Midwifery (2-2-0-0) (ECTS:3)
The concept of culture and its definitions, cultural elements (traditions and customs, cultural structures, attitudes, prejudices and discriminations), the place and importance of culture in health, the concept of health and disease and its relationship with culture, socio-cultural factors affecting health, the concept of intercultural (transculture), intercultural communication (values, beliefs), intercultural health approaches, use of models in intercultural care and health care models based on culture, global health problems, migration and the cultural impact of migration, cultural practices and midwifery approaches affecting women's health, Turkish culture and the relationship between midwifery and women in Turkish culture ; Cultural practices in prenatal, birth, postnatal and child care constitute the course content.
3rd Grade - (5th Semester) Fall Semester
Compulsory Courses
EBE 301 Normal Birth and Postpartum Period (5-10-10) 10 ECTS
The aim of this course is for the student to understand the basic issues related to normal birth and to gain the skill of giving birth. This lesson; Normal Labor, Way of Birth, Object of Birth, Physiology of Labor, Evaluation of Mother and Fetus in Labor, Care and Monitoring of Mother and Fetus in Labor According to Stages, Protection of Perineum and Birth Positions, Methods of Coping with Pain in Birth, Physiology of Postpartum, Mother and Baby It includes topics such as initiating and maintaining the interaction, Lactation physiology and breastfeeding, Changes in genital and extragenital organs, Adaptation and care to the postpartum period, Home care and monitoring of the mother and fetus in the postpartum period.
EBE 303 Newborn Health and Diseases (3-4-5) 5 ECTS
The aim of this course is to increase the student's knowledge and skills on healthy and risky newborn care and to strengthen their practices. Classification of characteristics of the newborn: normal newborn care in the delivery room and with the mother, newborn requiring special care, high-risk newborn care, newborn with congenital defects, preterm, postterm, internal problems of newborns, surgical problems of newborns, newborn care specific to body systems, neonatal resuscitation, monitoring and follow-up of the newborn. It includes evaluation, physical measurements, material collection, measurement of vital signs, and drug administration.
EBE 305 Professional Values and Ethics in Midwifery (2-0-2) 3 ECTS
The aim of this course is; Learning the stages that the midwifery profession has gone through from past to present, creating a professional identity and adopting professional ethics in line with the basic principles of deontology and the professional characteristics of midwives, their duties, powers and responsibilities. This lesson; Historical Foundations of the Science of Deontology and General Concepts, Concept of Human Being and Characteristics of a Moral Mature Person, Professional Ethics, International Midwifery Philosophy and Midwifery Ethics Codes, History of Midwifery in the World and in Our Country, Professional Characteristics of Midwifery, Roles of the Health Team and the Midwife, Midwifery and Legal Regulations, Legality in Midwifery Situations where obligations are violated, Human / Patient / Pregnant / Fetus / Newborn Rights, Ethical Decision Making Process and Ethics, Neglect and Abuse of Mother and Child, Contemporary Initiatives and Ethics Related to Gynecology and Obstetrics, National and International Midwifery Organizations, Shaping the Future of Midwifery. Contains.
EHP 201 English for Health Professionals I (3-0-2) 3 ECTS
This course is not a language teaching or grammar course, but aims to improve the vocabulary of students who have knowledge of English grammar by reading texts related to Midwifery. Method; It is based on the classroom translation of articles or book chapters written in English on various sub-branches of midwifery.
Field Elective Courses
EBE 307 Research Methods (2-0-2) 3 ECTS
In this lesson; It aims to teach students the scientific research process and to provide them with skills in publication scanning and research planning. This lesson; science and scientific approach, scientific research process, critical source review, hypothesis and strategy development, data acquisition methods in scientific research, measurement concept and scales in research, research universe and sampling, measurement errors and data preparation process, analysis techniques to examine differences, relationships It includes analysis techniques for examination, qualitative research methods, qualitative analysis techniques, and writing a research report.
EBE 309 Birth Preparation Education (2-0-2) 3 ECTS
The aim of the course is to understand birth preparation approaches and to provide knowledge and skills about the structure and functioning of birth preparation classes. In this lesson; The topics include the history and structure of birth preparation classes, birth preparation methods, Lamaze technique, breathing and relaxation techniques, exercises to be done during pregnancy, birth and postpartum period, drug-free methods for coping with pain, and educating the pregnant woman and her family about birth preparation.
EBE 313 Health Sociology (2-0-2) 3 ECTS
The aim of this course is to teach the basic concepts of health sociology and to provide an understanding of the sociological factors that determine the individual's health-related attitudes and behaviors. This lesson; It includes the birth and development of health sociology, its areas of interest, the definition of the concepts of health and disease, social factors related to health and disease, and the health system in Turkey and the world.
EBE 311 Breast Milk and Breastfeeding Consultancy (2-0-2) 3 ECTS
The aim of the course is to provide the student with the ability to provide breastfeeding consultancy. Course topics; The status of breastfeeding and breastfeeding in our country, the benefits of breastmilk, the importance of initiating mother-baby interaction after birth, correct breastfeeding, positioning the baby, evaluation of breastfeeding, breast problems, increasing breast milk and restarting breastfeeding, low birth weight and sick babies, Continuing breastfeeding is the ability to nourish the breastfeeding mother, strengthen her listening skills, gain self-confidence and provide support.
3rd Year - (6th Semester) Spring Term
Compulsory Courses
EBE 302 Risky Birth and Postpartum Period (5-10-10) 10 ECTS
The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge and skills about risky situations during the birth process, dangers for the mother and baby, preparing the mother for birth, making appropriate interventions, and the risks of preterm and postterm labor in the postnatal period. This lesson; Dystocias, Presentation and position anomalies, Uterus rupture, Multiple pregnancy, Umbilical cord anomalies, Placenta anomalies, Amniotic Fluid Anomalies (Polyhydroamnios, Oligohydroamnios), Premature Membrane Rupture, Amniotic baby with meconium, Amniotic fluid embolism, Attempts related to labor, Preterm and Postterm Labor , Use of analgesia and anesthesia during labor, Application and monitoring of uterotonic agents, Systemic diseases and labor, Postpartum Bleeding, Birth Traumas, Injuries and Their Effects, Postpartum Infections, Breast Problems and Care, Urinary System Problems and Thromboembolic Diseases, Postpartum It includes social support issues in the period.
EBE 304 Women's Health and Diseases (3-0-3) 4 ECTS
This lesson; Status of Women's Health in the World and in Our Country and Affecting Factors, Periods of Women's Life, Sexuality and Reproductive Health, Diagnosis and Treatment Methods in Gynecology and the Role of the Midwife, Reproductive System Infections and STDs, Reproductive Cycle Anomalies (Menstrual Irregularities, Premenstrual Syndrome), Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding), It includes the topics of Pelvic Support Structure Disorders, Benign Gynecological Diseases (Endometriosis, Benign Pelvic Tumors), Gynecological Cancers (Carcinogenesis, Vulva, Vagina Cancers), Gynecological Cancers (Cervix, Endometrium, Ovarian Cancers, Pregnancy and Cancer), Breast Diseases.
KPL 101 Career Planning (1-0-1) 2 ECTS
The aim of the course is to introduce contemporary career planning methods compatible with real-life problems in the rapidly changing economic, social, cultural, ethical and legal conditions of the business world and to provide students with the ability to adapt them to their own lives. Career Planning is a problem-solving and decision-making process that aims to establish the optimal relationship between employees' values and needs and their work experiences and opportunities. It enables employees to be happier and more productive in their work. It creates highly motivated and dedicated employees who can predict their future, know what awaits them, determine their goals accordingly. It is a course to be practiced individually. Provides a strategic approach to career planning and business research.
EHP 202 English for Health Professionals II (3-0-2) 3 ECTS
This course is not a language teaching or grammar course, but aims to improve the vocabulary of students who have knowledge of English grammar by reading texts related to Midwifery. Method; It is based on the classroom translation of articles or book chapters written in English on various sub-branches of nursing.
EBE 306 Clinical Practices in Midwifery II (1-8-5) 5 ECTS
Within the scope of the Risky Birth and Postpartum Period course, the internship will be held 1 day a week, 8 hours, in the gynecology and delivery room clinics of the hospitals deemed appropriate by the commission.
Field Elective Courses
EBE 308 Biostatistics (2-0-2) 3 ECTS
In this course, it is aimed for the student to understand basic statistical concepts and methods with examples and applications specific to the field of health. This lesson; It includes basic statistical concepts, descriptive measures of distributions, theoretical distributions, sample distributions, basic research methods, basic sampling methods, and hypothesis tests.
EBE 312 Evidence-Based Practices in Midwifery (2-0-2) 3 ECTS
Quality care is based on the best available evidence. This course enables the scientificization of care, the development of the ability to critically evaluate research, and the creation of a culture of basing practices on scientific knowledge. Lesson; history of the concept of evidence and evidence-based approaches, evidence-based practice and review of evidence, levels of evidence, types of studies from which evidence is obtained (randomized controlled study, case-control study, cohort studies, etc.), ways to access evidence, application and effectiveness of evidence, reflection of evidence ( individual, institutional and ethical change), existing evidence regarding pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.
EBE 314 Project Development and Monitoring (2-0-2) 3 ECTS
The aim of this course is to teach prospective teachers the process of preparing projects in the field of education and to provide them with relevant skills.
EBE 316 Patient and Employee Safety (2-0-2) 3 ECTS
The aim of this course is to ensure that the student; learn the basic concepts regarding patient and employee safety; Have knowledge of patient safety goals and standards; Gain awareness about patient safety issues; To be informed about developments regarding patient safety.
4th year - (7th Semester) Fall Semester
Compulsory Lessons
EBE401 Midwifery and Community Health Services (2-0-2) (ECTS :3 )
the newborn before birth, during birth and after birth, within the basic health services approach and to gain knowledge on this subject. Population structure in Turkey, Basic Health indicators and health problems, Family structure and characteristics, Preventive health services, Organization and management of basic health services, Developing positive health behaviors in society, Family midwifery process, home visits, Maternal and child health services, Family planning services, Immunization , Adolescent and It includes topics such as school health, community mental health services, infectious diseases, and population movements in Turkey .
EBE 403 Clinical Field Applications I (1-24-13 ) ( ECTS: 18)
This lesson; It is aimed for the student to consolidate the knowledge, skills and practices gained over the three years and to complete the graduation criteria . It covers midwifery care and practices provided in gynecology and obstetrics clinics and maternal and child health centers.
Field Elective Courses
EBE 411 Pregnancy and Birth Pharmacology (2-0-2) (ECTS: 3)
This course aims to teach current and basic approaches to pharmacological treatment approaches applied during the birth process. Obstetric Pharmacology Lesson; It includes the principles of application, application principles, pharmacological properties and scientific approach on the subject of drugs used before, during and after birth.
EBE 407 Infertility and Midwifery (2-0-2) (ECTS: 3)
midwifery students to be able to evaluate couples with infertility problems physically and psychosocially , to know diagnosis and treatment methods, and to be able to handle current developments and problems faced by healthcare team members. This course covers the topics of Factors Affecting Fertility and the causes and rates of Female/Male infertility , assisted reproductive techniques, counseling, treatment process in infertility , legal problems, changing roles and training requirements of midwives in infertility .
EBE 413 Fetal Monitoring (2-0-2) (ECTS: 3)
monitoring , which is used to determine the well-being of the fetus during pregnancy and birth, aims to obtain information about the health status of the fetus, to diagnose risky situations that may cause fetal death at an early stage and to take the necessary precautions, and to provide the necessary knowledge and skills in line with the duties, powers and responsibilities of the midwife in this process. This lesson; Definition and history of fetal monitoring , EFM Principles in the Antepartum Period Non-stress test, Contraction Stress Test, Biophysical Profile and Evaluation Intra Intermittent during partum period Auscultation , Electronic Fetal Monitoring in the Intrapartum Period , Interpretation of Fetal Monitor Strips, Variations in Fetal Heart Rate, Interventions in Variability Changes, Characteristics of Basic Changes in FHR , Periodic and Non-Periodic Patterns, Fetal Acid Base Balance and What to Do, Detection of Rhythm Disorder and Precautions to be Taken, Evidence-Based Evaluation of EFM includes Trace Interpretation topics.
4th year - (8th Semester) Fall Semester
Compulsory Lessons
EBE 402 in Midwifery Management and Leadership (2-0-2) (ECTS: 3)
your lesson purpose The aim is to learn the basic concepts of management science and midwifery management and to enable students to gain leadership skills. This course covers the importance of management in the midwifery profession, Total Quality Management, ISO 9000 Quality, Assurance System, Team Concept, Leadership, Management, Management styles, Manager types, Change, Communication, Contemporary Hospital management, Motivation, Job satisfaction, Time management, Midwifery legislation. Includes topics.
EBE 404 Clinical Field Applications II (1-24-13) (ECTS: 18)
The aim of this course is to enable the student to develop and complete the areas in which he/she is deficient and lacking in the knowledge and skills he/she has acquired over the three years in line with the graduation criteria . It covers midwifery care and practices provided in gynecology and obstetrics clinics and maternal and child health centers.
Field Elective Courses
EBE 406 Complementary Therapies in Midwifery (2-0-2) (ECTS:3)
This course aims to explain complementary methods applied/used to protect, treat and improve women's health, apart from medical practices. It covers the topics of complementary and alternative treatment, legal regulations, manipulative approaches, biological approaches, energy approaches, cognitive approaches, complementary approaches in breast and gynecological cancers, manopoasis symptoms, infertility and in vitro fertilization , pregnancy symptoms, pain and labor pain.
EBE 412 Forensic Issues in Midwifery (2-0-2) (ECTS:3)
this lesson Its purpose is to ensure that students of the midwifery department are informed about the issues they should pay attention to in their approach to medical and forensic cases, to understand the legal procedures and to ensure that they fulfill their obligation to notify when necessary. It includes the subjects of determining forensic medicine problems in midwifery-related cases, learning the relevant legal legislation and its implementation procedures , knowing the necessary precautions to avoid becoming legally responsible, and understanding the forensic medicine principles related to the subject.
EBE 400 Turkish Sign Language (2-0-2) (ECTS: 3)
The aim of the course is to teach students the sign language used by hearing and speech impaired individuals, to approach disabled individuals from a healthcare perspective, to understand and solve their problems, and thus to provide students with the ability to use this language when necessary in social life. Within the scope of this course, students learn the language at the communication level along with the grammatical features and language structure of sign language. Definition of Turkish Sign Language (TİD), Hand and finger shapes, position of hands relative to the body, Greetings, asking how things are, Communicating with a hearing impaired individual using TİD, Transferring feelings and thoughts, Exercise: Mutual Conversation will be covered .