Faculty Promotion Commission

Prof. Dr. Ayla GÜRSOY

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Yıldız ERDOĞANOĞLU

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Derya ADIBELLİ

Asst. Prof. Özlem ŞAHAN

Asst. Prof. Aysel ŞAHİN KAYA,

Faculty Social Activities Commission Members

Asst. Prof. Sinem Asena SEL

Res.Asst. Zeynep KALAYCI


Asst. Prof. Üyesi Sinem Asena SEL

Research Development Commission

Lecturer Oğuzhan AKBAŞLI

Social Contribution Commission

Asst. Prof. Aysel ŞAHİN KAYA

Disabled Student Unit Faculty Representative

Asst. Prof. Mine ORUÇ,

Res.Asst. Ruken TUNÇ

Faculty Webmasters

Lecturer Hakan KURNAZ,

Res.Asst. Ümmühan DUMAN


Faculty Administrative Quality Representatives

Prof. Dr. Ayla GÜRSOY

Lecturer Hakan KURNAZ

Lecturer Tuğçe ATASAYAR

Res.Asst. Zeynep KALAYCI

Res.Asst. İrem SÜZEN

Faculty Complaints Manager

Faculty Complaints Officer

Prof. Dr. Ayla GÜRSOY

Asst. Prof. Özlem ŞAHAN

Disabled Student Unit Academic Unit Representative

Asst. Prof. Aysel ŞAHİN KAYA

Faculty Erasmus Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Ayla GÜRSOY

Red Crescent Society Advisor

Green Crescent Community Consultant

Asst. Prof. Aysel ŞAHİN KAYA

Lecturer Tuğçe ATASAYAR

Satisfaction Survey Commission Member

Asst. Prof. Arife ALTIN ÇETİN

Emergency and First Aid Materials Delivery Manager

Lecturer Hakan KURNAZ

Medical and Hazardous Waste Officer

Department of Nursing - Asst. Prof. Arife ALTIN ÇETİN

Department of Midwifery - Lecturer Tuğçe ATASAYAR