2015   2014   2013   2012   2011

Kamil Yunus Özkaya , Mustafa Ilker Beyaz, "An investigation on the electromagnetic design optimization of rotary micromachines with double-layer permanent magnets.", Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 222, 335-340.(2015).

Camci F, Maintenance Scheduling of Geographically Distributed Assets With Prognostics Information, European Journal of Operational Research, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.03.023

Eker O F, Camci F, Baskan S, Konur S, Comparison of Sensors and Methodologies for Effective Prognostics on Railway Turnout Systems, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, doi: 10.1177/0954409714525145

Camci F, Ozkurt C, Toker O, Atamuradov A, Sampling based State of Health Estimation Methodology for Li-Ion Batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 278 (2015) 668-674

Karaca F, Raven P G, Machell J, Camci F, A Comparative Analysis Framework for Assessing the Sustainability of a Combined Water and Energy Infrastructure, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Volume 90, Part B, 2015, 456–468

T.C.Matisziw and E.Demir, “Measuring Spatial Correspondence among Network Paths” Geographical Analysis, DOI: 10.1111/gean.12078 (2015)

Umit Demirbas, and Ilyas Baali, “Power and efficiency scaling of diode pumped Cr:LiSAF lasers: 770-1110 nm tuning range and frequency doubling to 387-463 nm”, Optics Letters, 40, 4615-4618 (2015).

Ferda Canbaz, Nurbek Kakenov, Coskun Kocabas, Umit Demirbas, and Alphan Sennaroglu, “Graphene mode-locked Cr:LiSAF laser at 850 nm”, Optics Letters, 40, 4110-4113, (2015).

Umit Demirbas, Ilyas Baali, Alp Emre Acar and Alfred Leitenstorfer, “Diode-pumped continuous-wave and femtosecond Cr: LiCAF lasers with high average power in the near infrared, visible and near ultraviolet” Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 7, pp. 8901-8909 (2015).

Can Cihan, Ersen Beyatli, Ferda Canbaz, Li-Jin Chen, Bernd Sumpf, Gotz Erbert, Alfred Leitenstorfer, Franz X. Kärtner, Alphan Sennaroğlu  and Umit Demirbas, “Gain-Matched Output Couplers for Efficient Kerr-Lens Mode-Locking of Low-Cost Cr:LiSAF Lasers”, IEEE JSTQE, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 1100712 (2015). 

Bassel El Kadi and Guven Kiymaz "Behavior and design of perforated steel storage rack columns under axial compression" Steel and Composite Structures, Int. J., Vol. 18, No. 5, (2015).

A. D. Sezer, S. Gezici and H. Inaltekin, "Optimal channel switching strategy for average capacity maximization," IEEE Trans. Commun., forthcoming. DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2015.2422813

Fatih Senel, Kemal Akkaya, Melike Erol-Kantarci, Turgay Yilmaz, "Self-deployment of Mobile Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks for Maximized Coverage and Guaranteed Connectivity", Ad Hoc Networks Journal (to appear in 2015).

Kadim Taşdemir, Berna Yalçin, Isa Yildirim, "Approximate spectral clustering with utilized similarity information using geodesic based hybrid distance measures", Pattern Recognition, Volume 48, Issue 4, Pages 1465-1477, 2015.

Kadim Taşdemir, Yaser Moazzen, Isa Yıldırım, "An Approximate Spectral Clustering Ensemble for High Spatial Resolution Remote-Sensing Images", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2424292, 2015

 2014 Top Of Page

Hanrahan Brendan, Misra Saswat, Mustafa Ilker Beyaz, Feldman Jeremy, Waits Christopher, Ghodssi Reza. "An adhesion-dominated rolling friction regime unique to micro-scale ball bearings.", Tribology Letters, 56(2), 215-221(2014).

B. Hu, Z. Ren, M.S. Boybay and O.M. Ramahi. “Waveguide Probe Loaded by Split Ring Resonators for Cracks Detection”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 62, 871-878 (2014).

Camci F, The Travelling Maintainer Problem: Integration of Condition-Based Maintenance with the Travelling Salesman Problem, Journal of Operational Research Society, 65(9), 2014, 1423-1436 
Varga L, Grubic T, Greening P, Varga S, Camci F, and Dolan T, Characterizing conversion points and complex infrastructure systems: Creating a system representation for agent-based modeling. Complexity, 19(6), 2014, 30-43

A. Çivril, Column Subset Selection Problem is UG-hard, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 80(4): 849-859, 2014.

Ismail Yorulmaz, Ersen Beyatlı, Adnan Kurt, Alphan Sennaroğlu and Umit Demirbas, “Efficient and low-threshold Alexandrite laser pumped by a single-mode diode”, Optical Materials Express, 4, 776-789, (2014).

Umit Demirbas, Reinhard Uecker, Detlef Klimm, Bernd Sumpf, and Götz Erbert, “Intra-cavity Frequency-Doubled Cr:LiCAF Laser with 265 mW Continuous-Wave Blue (395-405 nm) Output”, Optics Communications, 320, 38-42 (2014).

Ferda Canbaz, Ersen Beyatli, Li-Jin Chen, Alphan Sennaroğlu,  Franz X. Kärtner, and Umit Demirbas, “Highly efficient and robust operation of Kerr-lens mode-locked Cr:LiSAF lasers using gain-matched output couplers”, Optics Letters, 39, 327-330 (2014).

E. Nekouei, H. Inaltekin and S. Dey, "Fundamental capacity limits of multiple access cognitive radio networks," Chapter 10 in "Mechanisms and Games for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation," Edited by T. Alpcan, H. Boche, M. Honig and H. V. Poor, Cambridge University Press, 2014.

H. Inaltekin, M. Chiang and H. V. Poor, "Delay of social search on small-world graphs," Journal of Mathematical Sociology, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 1-46, 2014. 

E. Nekouei, H. Inaltekin and S. Dey, "Power control and asymptotic throughput analysis for the distributed cognitive uplink," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 41-58, 2014.

T. Samarasinghe, H. Inaltekin and J. S. Evans, "On optimal downlink coverage in Poisson cellular networks with power density constraints," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 62, no. 4, 2014.

T. Samarasinghe, H. Inaltekin and J. S. Evans, "On the outage capacity of opportunistic beamforming with random user locations," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 3015-3026, 2014.

X Li, H Kazan, HD Lipshitz and Q Morris. “Finding the target sites of RNA-binding proteins”, WIREs RNA doi:10.1002/wrna.1201 (2014).

K Yilancioglu, ZB Weinstein, C Meydan, A Akhmetov, I Toprak, A Durmaz, I Iossifov, H Kazan, FP Roth, M Cokol . "Target-independent prediction of drug synergies using only drug lipophilicity", J Chemical Information and Modelling 54(8):2286-2293,(2014).

Mohamed Younis, Izzet F. Senturk, Kemal Akkaya, Sookyoung Lee and Fatih Senel, "Topology Management Techniques for Tolerating Node Failures in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey", Computer Networks, Vol. 15, pp. 254-283, (2014).

 2013 Top Of Page

 Mustafa Ilker Beyaz, Hanrahan Brendan, Feldman Jeremy, Ghodssi Reza. "Monitoring of Actuation Conditions in a Micro-Turbo-Generator.", IEEE Sensors Journal, 13(8), 2937-2943(2013).

Mustafa Ilker Beyaz, Hanrahan Brendan, Feldman Jeremy, Ghodssi Reza. "An Integrated Permanent Magnet Micro-Turbo-Generator Supported on Microball Bearings.", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 22(3),794-803 (2013).

M.S. Boybay, A. Jiao, T. Glawdel and C.L. Ren. “Microwave Sensing and Heating of Individual Droplets in Microfluidic Devices”, Lab on a Chip, 13, 3840 - 3846 (2013) - featured as cover article.

M.S. Boybay and O.M. Ramahi. “Non-Destructive Thickness Measurement Using Complementary Split-Ring Resonators”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 23, 217 - 219 (2013).

Karaca F, Camci F, Raven P. G, City Blood: Household Energy Provision through Water Distribution Infrastructure, Energy, 61, 98-107, 2013 
Karaca F, Raven P, Machell J, Varga L, Camci F, Chitchyan R, Boxall J, Ulanicki B, Skworcow P, Strzelecka A, Meida L, Janus T, Single infrastructure-based utility provision to households: technological feasibility study, Futures, 49, pp. 35–48, 2013

A. Çivril, A Note on the Hardness of Sparse Approximation, Information Processing Letters, 113(14-16): 543-545, 2013.

A. Çivril and M. Magdon-Ismail, Exponential Inapproximability of Selecting a Maximum Volume Sub-matrix, Algorithmica, 65(1): 159-176, 2013.

Umit Demirbas, “Modelling and optimization of tapered diode pumped Cr:Colquirrite regenerative amplifiers”, Optics Communications, 311, 90-99 (2013).

Ersen Bayatlı, Ilyes Baali, Alphan Sennaroğlu, Bernd Sumpf, Götz Erbert, Alfred Leitenstorfer and Umit Demirbas, “Continuous Wave Alexandrite Laser Pumped by a Tapered Diode”, JOSA-B, 30, 3184-3192 (2013). 

Ersen Bayatlı, Alphan Sennaroğlu, and Umit Demirbas, “Self-Q-switched Cr:LiCAF laser”, JOSAB, 30, 914-921, (2013).

T. Samarasinghe, H. Inaltekin and J. S. Evans, "Optimal selective feedback policies for opportunistic beamforming," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 2897-2913, 2013.

T.Samarasinghe, H. Inaltekin and J. S. Evans, "Optimal user selection and the feedback-capacity tradeoff for opportunistic beamforming," ELSEVIER Performance Evaluation, vol. 70, no. 7-8, pp. 472-492, 2013.

D Ray, H Kazan, KB Cook, MT Weirauch, HS Najafabadi et al., “A compendium of RNA-binding motifs for decoding gene-regulation”, Nature 499:172-177 (2013)

H Kazan and Q Morris “RBPmotif: a web server for the discovery of sequence and structure preferences of RNA-binding proteins”, Nucleic Acids Res. 41:W180-186 (2013)

 2012 Top Of Page

 O.M. Ramahi, T. Almoneef, M. Alshareef and M.S. Boybay. “Metamaterial Particles for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting”, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 173903 (2012).

A. M. Albishi, M.S. Boybay and O.M. Ramahi. “Crack Detection on Conductive Surfaces using Metamaterial Particles”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 22, 330 - 332 (2012).

M.S. Boybay and O.M. Ramahi. “Material Characterization using Complementary Split-Ring Resonators”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 61, 3039 - 3046 (2012).

A. Çivril and M. Magdon-Ismail, Column Subset Selection via Sparse Approximation of SVD, Theoretical Computer Science, 421: 1-14, 2012.

Umit Demirbas, Reinhard Uecker, Detlef Klimm and Jing Wang, “A low-cost, broadly-tunable (375-433 nm & 746-887 nm) Cr:LiCAF laser pumped by one single-spatial-mode diode”, Applied Optics, 51, 8441-8448, (2012).

Duo Li, Umit Demirbas, Andrew Benedick, Alphan Sennaroglu, James G. Fujimoto, and Franz X. Kärtner, “Attosecond timing jitter pulse train from semiconductor saturable absorber mode-locked Cr:LiSAF lasers”, Optics Express, 20, 23422-23435, (2012).

Umit Demirbas, Stefan Eggert and Alfred Leitenstorfer, “Portable and efficient femtosecond Cr:LiSAF lasers pumped by one single-spatial-mode diode: A minimal cost approach”, JOSAB, 29, 1894-1903, (2012). 

Sören Kumkar, Günther Krauss, Marcel Wunram, David Fehrenbacher, Umit Demirbas, Daniele Brida, and Alfred Leitenstorfer, “Femtosecond coherent seeding of a broadband Tm:fiber amplifier by a compact Er:fiber system“, Optics Letters, 37, 554-556 (2012).

H. Inaltekin, “Gaussian approximation for the wireless multi-access interference distribution,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., cilt 60, sayı 11, Kasım 2012. 

H. Inaltekin ve S. V. Hanly, “Optimality of binary power control for the single cell  Uplink,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, cilt 58, sayı 10, Ekim 2012. 

E. Nekouei, H. Inaltekin ve S. Dey, “Throughput scaling in cognitive multiple access networks with power and interference constraints,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., cilt 60, sayı 2, Şubat 2012.

C. Leberknight, H. Inaltekin, M. Chiang ve H. V. Poor, “The evolution of online social networks," IEEE Signal Process. Mag., cilt 29, sayı 2, Şubat 2012.

H. Inaltekin, M. Chiang, H. V. Poor ve S. B. Wicker, “Selfish random access over wireless channels with multipacket reception," IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun., cilt 30, sayı 1, Ocak 2012. 

ML Wilbert, SC Huelga, K Kapeli, TJ Stark, TY Liang, SX Chen, BY Yan, JL Nathanson, KR Hutt, MT Lovci, H Kazan AQ Vu, KB Massirer, Q Morris, S Hoon, GW Yeo (2012) LIN28 Binds Messenger RNAs at GGAGA Motifs and Regulates Splicing Factor Abundance, Molecular Cell, 48: 1–12

K. Taşdemir, “Vector quantization based approximate spectral clustering of large datasets,” Pattern Recognition, 45(8), 3034-3044, 2012.  

K. Taşdemir, P. Milenov, B. Tapsall , “A hybrid method combining SOM-based clustering and object-based analysis for identifying land in good agricultural condition”, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 83, 92-101, 2012.  

K. Taşdemir, C. Wirnhardt, “Neural network based clustering for agriculture management”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Special Issue on Neural Networks for Interpretation of Remotely Sensed Data, Invited Paper, 2012. 

S. Aksoy, I. Z. Yalniz, K. Taşdemir, “Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Orchards Using Very High-Resolution Imagery,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50 (8), 3117 – 3131, 2012. 

K. Taşdemir, “Exploiting spectral and spatial information for identification of hazelnut fields using self-organizing maps”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(19), 6239-6253, 2012.

  2011 Top Of Page

Umit Demirbas, Michael Schmalz, Bernd Sumpf, Götz Erbert, Gale S. Petrich, Leslie A. Kolodziejski, James G. Fujimoto, and Franz X. Kärtner, and Alfred Leitenstorfer, “Femtosecond Cr:LiSAF and Cr:LiCAF lasers pumped by tapered diode lasers”, Optics Express, 19, 20444-20461, (2011). 

Umit Demirbas, Gale S. Petrich, Duo Li, Alphan Sennaroglu, Leslie A. Kolodziejski, Franz X. Kärtner, and James G. Fujimoto, “Femtosecond tuning of Cr:Colquiriite lasers with AlAs/AlGaAs based saturable Bragg reflectors”, JOSAB, 28, 986-993 (2011). 

K. Taşdemir, Pavel Milenov, Brooke Tapsall , “Topology-based hierarchical clustering of self-organizing maps,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 22 (3), 474-485, 2011. 

K. Taşdemir,  E. Merényi , “A validity index for prototype based clustering of data sets with complex cluster structures,” IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Part B, 41(4), 1039-1053, 2011. 

S. Reis, K. Taşdemir , “Identification of hazelnut fields using spectral and Gabor textural features,” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 66(5), 652-661, 2011.