Dear faculty, staff, and students,
As Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Antalya Bilim University, I have the honor and pleasure of leading one of the important engineering faculties of the country.
The Faculty's main missions are training engineers who will lead the high-tech industries both in Turkey and worldwide, and perform innovative research, at the head of global efforts in the many fields of engineering. Nearly 800 students attend the Faculty's undergraduate programs, obtaining B.Sc., degrees in the four most important areas of Turkey’s elite industries: computer engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, industrial engineering, and civil engineering.
In the next future the Faculty has also launched new programs as mechanical engineering program.You can see the development of new events and many more on the website of our university.
Graduates of our Faculty will run successful careers in industry, in different research institutes, and in academic institutions.
The Faculty and its operations have grown essentially in recent years, and yet, many important challenges still remain. The highest priority at present is improving the quality of our studies and of services to the Faculty's students. We continue to expand all units and departments in the Faculty, enrolling excellent new faculty members who specialize in novel areas of research, adding new fields of study, and raising additional funds to support our many growing endeavors. We take special pride in our international programs for all engineering.
My door is always open to all faculty, staff, and students. I will be happy to hear and learn from each and every one of you. I wish you all fruitful studies and challenging, good research.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. Dr. Necati Ağıralioğlu
Dean of Engineering Faculty