The Impact of Gamification on Tourist Satisfaction and Knowledge Level in Personalized Touristic Route Design: Antalya Kaleiçi Application
Project Title: The Impact of Gamification on Tourist Satisfaction and Knowledge Level in Personalized Touristic Route Design: Antalya Kaleiçi Application
Project Supported by: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 3005 Research Projects Supporting Program for Innovative Solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities
Project Team: Asst. Prof. Eda Evla Mutlu (Coordinator), Assoc. Prof. Gözdegül Başer (Researcher), Prof. Dr. Cafer Çalışkan (Researcher), Prof. Dr. Oğuz Başokçu (Researcher, Ege University), Res. Asst. Serhan Aksoy (Scholar), İrem Özgün (Scholar), Beyza Çetin (Scholar)