

Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Visual Identity Workshop | 21 March 2024

On Thursday, March 21st at 1:30 PM, we organized a workshop on graphic design with our 4th-year students from the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design. In this workshop, Associate Professors Dr. Bekir KİRİŞCAN and Dr. Aydın ZOR from the Graphic Design Department of Akdeniz University met with our students to discuss the fundamentals of graphic design.

The workshop, which lasted approximately two hours, began with a presentation by our guest lecturers on basic design and graphic design. Throughout the session, examples of logo design for a structure were showcased. Following the presentation, our students were tasked with designing a black-and-white logo for an architectural structure of their choice, with support provided using the Adobe Illustrator program. This workshop was both enjoyable and educational for our students, providing them with the opportunity to collaborate with faculty members from a different yet related discipline.

Through this workshop, our final-year students not only gained insight into the field of interior architecture but also had the chance to explore different areas of design. We extend our sincerest thanks to Associate Professors Dr. Bekir KİRİŞCAN and Dr. Aydın ZOR for meeting with our students and facilitating this workshop.