Virtual Exhibition 24-25 Fall



Our Students Who Are Finalists in the "Special Interfaces for the Students with Autism" Competition

Sponsored by Baba Yapı, the Chamber of Interior Architects of TMMOB (Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects) General Center, in collaboration with Tohum Autism Foundation and Değer Autism Association, announced the top 10 of the “Special Interfaces for Autistic Students” competition, which was organized for the first time this year on February 15, 2024.

In the Fall Semester of 2023-2024, students participated in the competition within the scope of the IAED 3301 Interior Human Factors course conducted by Dr. Yaren Şekerci. We are pleased to announce that the designs of our third-year students from the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at Antalya Bilim University have made it to the top 10.

A total of 10 students participated individually or in groups, with their 5 designs making it to the top 10. Anelya Mussayeva, Buse Özimir, and Gizem Yaşadur with their design “Rainbow”, Fatıma Balaban and Müge Gül Özyurt with “Four Fun One Table”, Neslihan Oktar and Rana Gökay with “Unique Colors”, Türkü Yılmaz with “Multipurpose Game Table”, and Cansu İnceyavuz and Tuba Kaya with “Sensory Wall Panel” were finalists.

We congratulate our students on their success and wish them continued success.