On October 5, 2024, a guided exhibition tour was organized as part of the “Mercan Dede: You Were Born with Potentials” exhibition, with the voluntary participation of our department’s second, third, and fourth-year students. The tour was conducted under the supervision of the Department Chair, Asst. Prof. Dr. Buket ŞENOĞLU, the Chair of the Events and Organization Committee, Asst. Prof. Dr. Yaren ŞEKERCİ, and Lecturer Gamze AKYOL. The exhibition, organized in collaboration with the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at Antalya Bilim University, was guided by Exhibition Coordinator Yasemin GREEN. Blending the philosophy of Sufism with contemporary art practices, this event aimed to provide students with an opportunity to explore different artistic disciplines and to deeply analyze a selection of works from the artist's 30-year body of work.
Designed as an extracurricular and recreational activity, this tour offered a valuable opportunity for students to broaden their engagement with art and develop their artistic perspectives. The event not only provided a viewing experience but also created an interactive learning environment, aiming to enhance students' understanding of various artistic approaches and techniques.
The exhibition tour allowed students to experience artistic expression that emerges from the fusion of modern and traditional elements. As a result, they gained a deeper understanding of the artist's creative processes and the philosophical background behind his works. By observing the reflections of Sufi philosophy in art, students discovered how this profound system of thought interacts with contemporary art. During the tour, students also had the opportunity to observe the significant role that art plays in interior design, noting that the influence of art on a space extends beyond aesthetics, contributing to the creation of the space's spirit and atmosphere. In this context, the parallels between artworks and interior spaces revealed the dynamic and complementary relationship between the two fields. Students gained insights into how elements that shape the spirit of interior spaces can be harmonized with artworks. They developed a deeper understanding of how art can enrich a space's aesthetic and functionality, as well as how it can strengthen the emotional connection with its users.
This event aimed to enhance students' sensitivity to art and to develop their aesthetic and cultural awareness. We extend our gratitude to Exhibition Coordinator Yasemin GREEN for her valuable contributions and guidance throughout the exhibition.