Virtual Exhibition 24-25 Fall



Newyear Tree Design Competition | 12.12.2023

We organized a New Year Tree Design Competition, and our students represented their creativity and made a significant mark on a memorable event by participating in the competition organized by our department on December 12, 2023. The competition, themed around creating abstract compositions within rectangular prisms, provided students with an inspiring and thought-provoking environment. Students designed modules with dimensions of 30x60x60 cm using black slats, expressing their designs solely through the use of red, green, and black colors.

The event, by making the use of recycled plastic bottles mandatory, embraced sustainability in materials and offered students an additional material choice to enhance their designs. The Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Event Committee evaluated the creative compositions emerging from these modules, implementing a blind evaluation process where jury members assessed entries without knowing the participants' names. Throughout this evaluation process, "the evaluation criteria", "design criteria," and the "competition theme" played pivotal roles.

The demonstrated creativity and uniqueness of the students not only highlighted the broad perspective of fundamental design concepts but also transformed the event into an impressive showcase of distinct tree designs. Our department, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design took pride in providing students with the opportunity to push the boundaries of art and design through this competition. We extend our gratitude to the students who contributed to the success of the competition and our esteemed evaluation jury, wishing our students continued success in their future creative projects.